Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 26, 2012)

Greetings, GreenMount Community,

             Okay, check me on this: December starts on Saturday and we only have 24 days until we close for the winter break.  Is that right?!  Didn’t we just return from the summer break?  Something must be wrong with my biological clock.  These things keep sneaking up on me.  I guess it’s an age thing and probably most of the kids think that we have been in school forever.  It would make me feel better if I knew that some of you are also surprised by how quickly the year is flying by.  But then again, it’s always the same story.  We’re very busy and we are all working hard.  The days trip over one another to end and, before you know it, another year has passed.

            However, in the spirit of the season I can say that I am very thankful for every day that I have to spend here at GreenMount.  Maybe that’s why the days go by so quickly.  Maybe it’s the trick that nature plays on us: when you’re having fun, the time flies; when you are not, time stands still.  So, I guess I am thankful that time is flying by.  I am certainly having fun.

            Today, in our Morning Meeting, I told the students that I had a gift for all of them – a full week of school! No one cheered. November has been peppered with days off, and this is actually the first week that we have the students every day.  But I guess I don’t have to tell you that!

            As mentioned above, I am indeed thankful for each day at GMS.  In particular, I am thankful for:

  • Parents who donate their time and expertise to further the goals of our school.  For most, the 40 hours of required service seems to be secondary to the desire to make meaningful contributions;
  • Parents who model learning for their children and whose presence at theme events and other school activities describes the volume of our community and how together we are growing exceptional students;
  • Grandparents who support the school and lavish us with compliments (a great turnout last week, by the way);
  • Students who come to school each morning with a smile on their faces, well-prepared for the day and eager to learn;
  • Students who greet me and each other as the day begins with a handshake and a cheerful “Good morning, Mr. Steve” (the best part of my day!);
  • Teachers who bring to their job a genuine love for their craft;
  • And teachers who work tirelessly to provide meaningful, experiential learning experiences for children. 
Finally, I am thankful for my wife who, while dealing with a school of 700+ students and 67 staff members in grades K-5 herself, listens patiently to my stories of the pure joy that results from working in a school with 100 students, 17 staff members and parents who contribute so significantly to our success.
            So, go ahead, 2012-2013 - fly by.  I already know that 2013-2014 is going to be another great year at GreenMount.

