Monday, November 28, 2011

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 28, 2011)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            I hope this morning’s message finds you happy about your long weekend, during which we had some great weather, and the opportunity to share with your families.  It seems to me that no other holiday is more important to the idea of family than Thanksgiving.  In that spirit, I must say that I am very thankful for the opportunity to be associated with so many fine families here at GreenMount.  The expression of family was highlighted last Wednesday as we celebrated Grandparents and Special Friends’ Day.  The grandparents and special friends that visit us each year bring a special quality to our school as they express their appreciation for their grandchildren and special young friends to attend a school that responds so positively to our students.  Grandparents are especially gracious as they compare their own school experiences to ours and can so easily see the relationship between what we do and the challenges that our students will face after they leave us for their next educational experiences, and life in general.
            On Wednesday, I spoke to our visitors about what we feel our students will need as they venture beyond the hallowed halls of GreenMount (okay, so we only have one hall).  Consider what life was like just 20 years ago.  Think of all the technology that has changed the way we live.  It was only a very short time ago that a phone’s primary function was to contact people who were located remotely.  Now the phone has to talk to you, tell you where you are on the planet, play games, store more data than the 1969 Lunar Lander, and take pictures and video that can be instantly transmitted anywhere in the world.  What will the next 20 years have in store for us?!
According to futurists, we have no idea.  We have undergone a paradigm shift in the last 20 years that some compare to the Enlightenment, when people like Galileo and DaVinci were changing how we think and act.  These shifts in culture have occurred over long periods of time, the last of which was perhaps the Industrial Revolution.  But now, technology has accelerated our ability to learn and store knowledge.  The next shift may come in just 10 years, about the time our 8th graders are just beginning their careers, which will change as many as eight times over the course of their lives.  Notice that I did not say “jobs,” but rather “careers.”  Those futurists now predict that our new “silent generation” will actually change their careers several times in their lifetimes.  And they may not retire until they are 85!
At GreenMount, we are aware of the need to help our students think creatively and provide them with opportunities to explore problem solutions deeply.  However, we must work constantly to improve our craft to meet future needs for our students that are yet undefinable.  For now, we will continue to stimulate thinkers.  Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu would agree.

No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking. ~Voltaire


Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 21, 2011)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            What does it take to produce an excellent theme culmination event?  On Friday, you witnessed our students performing, debating, drilling and singing about a time in our history that was consumed by a great war.  How was it that they were able to demonstrate their learning so well and address a topic that centered around a terrible time in our nation’s history? 
            The first step in planning for a theme event begins with a staff meeting in June to decide on the three theme topics for the year.  At these meetings we work to find themes that will build upon knowledge and skills that our students already have and to find ones that will engage them experientially and authentically.  This is often a difficult task, especially when you have a staff that is brimming with ideas.
Choosing the Civil War caused a great deal of discussion because of the nature of war and the fact that children, especially our youngest ones, may have difficulty with some of the concepts that would naturally evolve from a discussion of such a time.  When our theme topic was agreed upon, we began to plan for how the theme event might look.  We typically begin with the end in mind so that we can decide on what we need to do to get there.
Once we had a general idea of the content and what the theme event might contain, someone had to write the theme.  The job of putting everything together for our history theme always goes to Mr. Fletcher, whose knowledge of history gets us started.  He wrote the history theme over the summer, giving suggestions to each grade level for activities and experiences that they may have to understand the time period.  When we met again in August, Mr. Fletcher produced his theme in a written format for each teacher, and we spent several hours discussing how his suggestions might be adapted for each grade level.  It was then up to each teacher to use the new guide to plan for activities and learning that was appropriate for their students.
Then, at every staff meeting between the beginning of the year and the theme event, we shared how we are each implementing the ideas laid out in the planning guide.  At least an hour of every staff meeting was spent doing this.  As the trimester unfolded, the theme event began to take shape and the ideas kept coming about how to best demonstrate learning.  Once we determined the scope of the theme event, teachers became very focused with their students on the parts they will play.  Finally, students and teachers worked to create props, scenery, costumes (with a lot of help from parents), and scripts.  The students participating in debates spent hours researching their points of view and preparing for questions they would be asked.  Those in plays rehearsed, and then rehearsed some more.  Art work was completed over the trimester that complemented the theme and represented the time period of study.
Finally, on the day of the theme event, anxious students (and teachers!) prepared to give you their very best.  They marched, debated, sang, danced, acted, made bandages, and even treated some “wounded” parents in the field hospital.  A dramatic ending with parent participation capped off a successful event, one which students will long remember.
            In his book, Out of Our Minds, Sir Ken Robinson states that the role of education today must be implemented in three domains.  The first domain is Individual.   In the individual domain we are to develop individual talents and sensibilities.  In the Cultural domain we must deepen our students understanding of the word.  And in the Economic domain we need to provide the skills required to earn a living and be economically productive.  At GreenMount, we do these things, and the theme event is proof positive that we do them well.  Think about how the opportunities your children have to develop their individual talents, how they gain understanding of the world in which we live, and how they are gaining the academic skills to be productive citizens.  The theme event is like the pasta sauce – it’s all in there.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 14, 2011)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            On Friday, for Community Day, one our parents, Jim Pietila, joined us to talk about Veterans’ Day.  The students were treated to a unique display of uniforms and equipment that Captain Pietila used in his career as a United States Marine.  His was an interesting history, going from a sailor in the Navy to the Naval Academy to study atomic reactors, to the Marine Corps to pilot C-130 transport aircraft.  After his discussion about serving our country, students tried on uniforms and posed for pictures that you can find on our Facebook page.  This activity was fun for the students, but also pointed out the importance of recognizing veterans for their service.  Today, we concluded the activities in our Monday Morning Meeting, at which the students were given cards to complete for our Wounded Warriors recovering at Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, MD.  We talked about the persistence of these individuals as they struggle to recover from their wounds while remaining positive and looking forward to productive lives.  Some actually return to the military to continue to serve in whatever capacity they can.  These are truly special individuals, and this morning we had a good discussion about them.
            We have a lot of good news to share today.  Friday was a very special day because we had a chance to attend and celebrate the wedding of Ms. Tanza and her new husband, Joe.  It was a great wedding and it was obvious that Joe and Tanza were meant for each other.  It was my pleasure to share a table with our staff members and to do so in a setting that had none of the academic or child-centered activities that monopolize our days at GMS.  Sitting around that table, I realized what a special group of people we have accumulated here at GreenMount.  We have known for a long time that they are great teachers.  But on Friday it was fun to see them just as a group of really nice people who support each other and interact positively in every way.  I am very fortunate to be the head of a school with such a wonderful group of individuals.
            Our other wonderful news is that Elaine and her husband, Ed, are adopting a baby as of Friday.  Her name is Piper, and we are all thrilled for the new parents. (Can’t you imagine what a great mom Elaine will be?) Elaine will be on an extended leave of absence as required by her adopting agency, and she has been working night and day to make arrangements for the completion of all her duties in her absence.  She will be communicating with all of you this week about details of her great fortune and what we can expect in her absence.  Naturally, that special staff I described will all be working together to make sure that her tasks are managed and successfully completed.
Don’t forget our theme event on Friday.  We are hustling and bustling around here to get things ready for you, and I know that you will be impressed with what your children have learned about the Civil War and the time period from 1820 to 1870.
"A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 7, 2011)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            Two weeks ago, I was happy to share with you the fact that our 6th – 8th grade students received rave reviews from our guides during our trip to Gettysburg.  And now I can report to you that we have received similar accolades from our guest presenters at our last two Community Day events.  David Wright, of GWWO, Inc./Architects, visited GMS on Friday, October 28, to talk about the American impressionist painter, Thomas Moran, who painted during the time period that included the Civil War.  Thanks to Kirsten and Mark Lapointe, who arranged for our guest, we were treated to an impressive slide show along with signed works of Mr. Moran.
Our students were engaged and excellent listeners during the presentation; afterward,Mr. Wright complimented the students and expressed how impressed he was with their responses and questions.  Mr. Wright did an excellent job of exciting the students about Thomas Moran’s art, but he gave due credit to our students for their attention and obvious curiosity.  Likewise, our guest the following week, Charles Hawley, a Civil War re-enactor, was also very impressed with the knowledge on the subject of even some of our youngest students.  “I have been to many Maryland schools and never had (seen) the knowledge and attention displayed by your students,” stated Mr. Hawley.  “Congratulations on a wonderful job.”  Our visit to the Maryland Historical Society last Wednesday resulted in similar compliments for our students and, of course, our teachers.  It is obvious to all of these folks that our theme studies program, headed by Ms. Laura, Ms. Tanza, Mr. Fletcher and the rest of our staff, is exceptional in scope and supported by an ethic of excellence that is indeed becoming part of how we live and breathe around here.  I couldn’t be more proud of our teachers and our students!
Some announcements:
            Many of you are already aware that Ms. Charita is leaving us after Thursday to have back surgery, and we certainly wish her the best.  We had arranged for a long-term substitute for the rest of the year, but unfortunately, that person called late last week to cancel as she had found a full-time position. I was out of town on Friday and contacted Ms. Elaine, who did an excellent job of immediately posting our opening on the AIMS web site.  This morning, I have been calling each of the 12 candidates that have already applied for this position.  Many of them have impressive resumes, and we have already started interviewing the applicants (three today).  I will select the best candidate by the end of the day on Wednesday, and that person will start on Monday.
            While in Connecticut this weekend, I saw many TV promotions concerning a nation-wide test of the Emergency Broadcast System.  It will commence at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday and run concurrently across the country.  The reality is that this broadcast may not warn the audience that it is just a test.  So don’t get all War of the Worlds-panicky if the test sounds genuine…
Actually, it will sound genuine.  It’s a genuine test.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (November 1, 2011)

Greetings, GreenMount Community,

            Yesterday, the staff attended the Association of Independent Schools of Maryland and D.C. (AIMS) conference, and it appears from their comments that this was the best annual conference ever.  Our keynote speaker, Sir Kenneth Robinson, an internationally-renowned expert in the field of creativity and innovation in business and education, piqued the interest of our GreenMount teachers.  Indeed, his was an inspiring and  entertaining presentation.  You can see Sir Robinson in a Ted Talks presentation at  Part of what he talked about with us is discussed in this presentation, and it speaks to the value of a school like ours, where we celebrate ideas and creativity.
Here at GMS, not only do we foster creativity in our students, but we encourage it in our teachers as well.  This is one important reason why our teachers have made the choice to be on our staff, as opposed to one in another school where they might be stifled by a linear curriculum and a data-driven, test-oriented curriculum.  Speaking of which, did you know that Finland is one of the top three educational systems in the world?  Did you know that they do not use standardized tests?  Perhaps they can teach us something…..
            Other workshops and presentations throughout the day gave our teachers a wide variety of experiences.  Before the conference, teachers had discussed the workshops they hoped to attend, and we made sure that we had representation at most of the workshops that would be of benefit to us.  This Friday, at our staff meeting, we will report back to each other about the sessions we attended and share new ideas.  Mr. Fletcher and Ms. Elizabeth honored our school in a session entitled “Are We There Yet with Gay/Straight Alliances?”  Mr. Fletcher was the presenter, along with a panel of high school students, and Ms. Elizabeth was the presider.  Mr. Fletcher serves on an AIMS committee on this subject and has contributed a lot of time, energy and ideas to helping independent schools support students in establishing gay/straight alliances that foster understanding and cooperation.  We are indeed proud that our school was represented so well.
            I hope that you realize the value of the kind of professional development that we experienced yesterday.  This is how we keep on top of our game as adult learners and how we work to improve the instructional program for your children.  So far this year, you have had to make arrangements to accommodate two full days of our professional development, and I want you to know that your support is appreciated.  I also appreciate the fact that our staff can function as a professional learning community every Friday.  This is an important part of our professional development and how our school continues to improve.
            I’ll end today with a story told by Sir Ken that illustrates the natural creativity of children:
“I heard a great story recently, I love telling it, of a little girl who was in a drawing lesson. She was 6, and she was at the back, drawing, and the teacher said this little girl hardly paid attention, [though] in this drawing lesson she did. The teacher was fascinated and she went over to her and she said, ‘What are you drawing?’ And the girl said, ‘I’m drawing a picture of God.’ And the teacher said, ‘But nobody knows what God looks like.’ And the girl said, ‘They will in a minute.’”
