Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (April 8, 2013)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            I believe that I said something about spring being here in the last head message.  I was correct technically, but we certainly did not have any weather that indicated the season.  And now it appears that we are preparing to jump right into summer.  Isn’t that just like Baltimore?  Tomorrow we may hit 80 degrees, which can be uncomfortable inside GreenMount.  Unlike a home HVAC system we just cannot change to air conditioning with the flip of a switch.  The city has to come out and reroute water and make some adjustments on the roof.  It’s a complicated process.  This means that we basically have to guess when to switch over, and given our temperamental weather, we are sure to have some days that are too hot or too cold.  So have your children dress so that they can add or subtract clothing as the day progresses.  We will survive as always.
            Attached to this newsletter is a notification of an exhibition by artist Timothy Horjus that will be presented at The Creative Alliance from March 9 to April 13.  The exhibition on the April 13 includes a dance performance by the Elm City Dance Collective and inspired by the Brazilian martial art of Capoeira.  This sounds like an interesting opportunity for families to enjoy a unique program together.  We also like to inform you of events at The Creative Alliance as we have toured their facility and have a relationship with the folks there.
Additionally, on the morning of April 15, the Elm City group will be performing here at GreenMount from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. We invite you to join us at that time for a free performance and a program that I know you will enjoy as you begin your week.
            This morning, as students came back to school, I saw lots of smiling faces.  The chatter and greetings reminded me of the unique nature of the children who attend GMS.  Basically, it boils down to the fact that our kids like being here.  This school is a big part of their lives and the happiness that shows as they return is evidence to me that school and learning is important to them.  And yes, friends are an important part of their feeling of belonging and satisfaction.  As long as we continue to have students learn to love learning, I will be satisfied as well.
            Among those returning today were the eighth graders who went to Costa Rica.  I haven’t heard all the details yet, but the students I talked with were more than happy with the experience.  I know what a great bonding opportunity this is for them and each has learned something about themselves that will give them confidence as they eventually face the world independently. The students will be presenting a program about their trip at Community Day on April 19.  Please make plans to attend so that you can understand why this program is so important for our students’ learning.

