Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (March 19, 2012)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            Next Wednesday, our eighth graders depart for Costa Rica on their international trip.  While they are there, they will be immersed in an entirely different culture and will have many experiences that will last a lifetime.  The purpose of this trip is to give our oldest students at least an understanding of another part of the world and their connection to it.  As they interact with Costa Rican families and live with them in their village, they will learn the value of living within one’s means and using resources wisely in order to preserve family life and prosperity.
The village they will live in is in a rural part of Costa Rica, not one of the newly developed resorts or urban areas that have recently sprung up in this beautiful country.  Our students will participate in a service learning project (to be determined) that will assist the villagers and add to their quality of life.  Last year, our students helped to build a French drain to avert flooding of the road in the village and they also worked on the roof of the community kitchen.  I am sure this year’s group will return full of tales of their own contributions to the people they will certainly come to consider them as their new friends. 
The trip will not be all work.  Our students will have time to cool off at the local waterfall and pool and they will also get to experience a tropical rainforest up close and personal.  Good hikers will ascend a volcano and, along the way, see wildlife and vegetation that many have only experienced at the National Aquarium.
            For many years the international trip has been an important part of what we do here at GreenMount.  We believe that our students need to experience their world and from that experience learn the interdependence that we all share on this planet.  Our philosophy is clear; we want our students to “thrive in different environments” and be “connected to or grounded in real life experiences.”  Indeed, we will be doing this as part of our study of our own hometown during this last theme.  We are taking neighborhood walks and developing neighborhood guides.  We will travel to the Fire Museum, the Streetcar Museum, the American Visionary Art Museum and Federal Hill, the Keswick Senior Center, the Nancy Patz exhibition at Goucher College, and the Baltimore Museum of Industry, to name just a few.  Also, parents are welcome to join us as we have local artists and authors visit:

We have also contacted others and hope to add to this already impressive list.  We’ll keep you posted.
