Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Message from Steve Warner, Head of School (January 9, 2012)

Greetings GreenMount Community,

            As we approach the halfway point in the school year (January 25), it is time to revisit our goals for the year and evaluate our performance thus far.  It’s time for a state-of-the-school appraisal.
            The timing is good for this as this benchmark occurs on the last day of parent conferences.  These conferences are especially important because we must look at the progress of each child and make plans for successful learning as we go forward into the second half.  Teachers know that these conferences are important, which is why we are willing to relinquish class time on these days to make sure that we have time for good conversations and planning with parents.  In order to make these conferences effective and efficient, I recommend that you come prepared with specific questions and that you e-mail those questions to the teachers ahead of time so that they can be prepared to answer them.  For ideas about how the conference should proceed, check the National PTA web site at
The sign-up sheets for conferences will be posted next week and you are encouraged to try to schedule conferences so that you can discuss your child’s progress with several of his/her teachers at once.  Even with 15 hours of conference time allotted over three days, you or the teachers may find that you need additional time to complete your discussions.  This is why your planning for the conference is so important.  If you have an agenda of what you would like to learn, it will be fairly easy for you and the teacher to prioritize the topics and decide what can be discussed in a subsequent conference.
            Another important benchmark around our halfway point is the All Family Meeting on January 25 at 6:30 p.m.  At this meeting, you will learn the board’s decision about tuition for 2012-2013 and you will receive contracts for the coming year.  Similarly, teachers will be holding their mid-year goals conferences. At these conferences, teachers revisit their three goals for the year and evaluate their progress in reaching them.  Goals for teachers are professional goals - ones which are designed to enhance their craft and build on their knowledge of best practices.  The goals are inextricably connected to your children’s success, which is the result rather than the goal itself.  In other words, what does a teacher need to learn to make his/her students more successful?
            This is also the time of the year when the administration evaluates its leadership effectiveness and the goals we have set for the year.  Also, the board evaluates my performance based on my self-reflection and the input of board members.
            So, you see, this is a time of reflection - a time when we look back…and forward.  What have we done well? What have we learned?  How can we improve? Where do we go from here?
I hope you reviewed the vision statement that came home last week.  It is the vision of what we hope to become that establishes our goals and the strategies to reach them.  Look at the vision and think about its components.  Is this still the vision we have for our school?  Have we reached a point where we envision loftier things for GreenMount?  If you have suggestions concerning the vision, please contact me so that we may begin a discussion.

"If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere." - Henry Kissinger